Issue 11-2-14 Website - page 13

WeareOff andRunning
We are off and runningveryquickly aswe begin the 2014-2015
school year!Theenergyhasbeen just outstandingboth fromour
students and staff.We are running a brand newmaster schedule
this year that has 17 new courses added inmany subject areas.
With thesenewofferings,wenowhaveeightAdvancedPlacement
courses andover 10other college level courses for our students.
This past summerwe purchasedmany new resources andmate-
rials thatwill benefitALL students in their learning.Mrs. Lowe
and I enjoyed riding all 10buses again this year getting toknow
ourdriversandmeeting students. Please stayconnectedwithour
school by visiting our school webpage:
cfm. You can access our teachers’websiteswhichhave recently
beenupdated, andyouwill alsobeable toaccessMr.McArdle’s
weekly update and follow us on Twitter! It takes a connected
community to prepare our students for graduation!
What aMorning!
ReporterHannahWelker and13WHAM/
Fox Rochester’s Friday Morning Lights
landed here on Friday, October 10th for
what was a remarkable couple of hours
showcasing our school community!
We ended up having over 300 students
cheering, participating and representing
our school! All of our sports teams and
Marching Band were highlighted during
thesegments. Icannot thankenough,allof
the parents that rearranged theirmorning
to help make this happen. The program
wasa tremendousopportunity forour stu-
dentsand they took full advantage! Ihope
you were able to watch it. If you
missed the program, it is postedon
their website: On days like this,
you really understand and feel the
PRIDE that lives inourcommunity!
Iwould like togiveahugeTHANK
YOU to Sam Vagg, the LeRoy
Village Green, and The Greens of
LeRoy for providing a free break-
fast to everyone that morning. It
was a great gesture that was really
appreciated by our students!
The class of 2020 took a field trip to Livonia, NY, onOcto-
ber 7th and 8th, where they participated in the 7th grade
TeamBuildingExperience atCampStellaMaris. The
students worked together to overcome a variety
of mental and physical challenges and, most
importantly,hadagreat timewithclassmates
and their 12thgradePeerCounselors.Along
with having fun, the class of 2020worked on:
promoting trust, self-empowerment, develop-
ing creative thinking, encouraging teamwork and
cooperation, enhancing problem solving skills and
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