Issue 9-14-14 Website - page 8

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Superintendent of Schools
The start of a new school
year always brings with it the
promise of improvement and
advancement. While theDistrict
embraces the changes that these
innovations require, it values
the long standing traditions that
have made the Le Roy Central
School District a “shining star”
in the region. Our proposed
capital improvement project is
designed todo just that.Over the
courseof thenext fewmonths, it
isourgoal to informandeducate
the community on the facilities
improvements that will allow
us to continue on the journey
“Good to Great.”
of stakeholders aremeeting this
month tofinalize thescopeof the
projectand todevelopdiscussion
points that will allow all com-
munitymembers tomake an in-
formed decision aswe approach
December 3, 2014
vote on
the project. Thiswill be the first
in a series of articles.
The District Facilities Com-
mitteehasbeenworking for four
longyears todetermine theneeds
to be addressed in this project.
Because theyare theoldest in the
District,naturally, thebulkof the
work will occur at the Wolcott
StreetandTrigonbuildings. Built
at the turn of the 20th century,
(1909 and 1924!), these elegant
structuresweredesigned tomeet
the needs of a different type of
instructional environment and
have certainly served us well.
However, aswepreparestudents
to learnandwork in the21st cen-
tury, it is time for a renovation.
Heading the listareseveralnec-
essaryenergy improvements that
need to be implemented. These
improvements will actually pay
for themselves in energy savings
over time. Health and safety is
the major component driving
many other improvements. This
rationale leads to the redesignof
and trafficflow. In addition, sev-
eral classroom enhancements to
electrical, mill work, and layout
arebeingexplored thatwillallow
for better use of existing space.
There is no additional square
Creating an elementary library
within the walls of the school is
also a priority. Currently it is
impossible for students to go to
the library without a teacher to
get abook.The library shouldbe
themainhub andhighly accessi-
ble in an elementary school. In
addition, Woodward Memorial
Library has requested that the
elementary library be relocated
so they can reclaim that much
needed space. Finally, in an ef-
fort toshareasmuchofour space
withour community as possible,
we hope to improve theWolcott
Street School small gymnasium,
aswell asMemorialAuditorium,
to make them safe and useable
spaces for both our district and
community needs.
Throughgoodplanning, energy
savings potential, state aid, and
low financing rates, the district
can do all the improvements
needed at
no additional cost
to the taxpayers
. While this
may be hard to believe, it is our
commitment to ensure that no
additional costs be experienced
by the community.
Inmynext article Iwill outline
the improvements to the Jr./Sr.
HighSchool andHartwoodPark.
Superintendent''s Column
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