Issue 9-14-14 Website - page 13

The Le Roy American Legion
Botts Fiorito Post 576 is honor-
ing Nancy Baker as the 46th Le
Royan of the Year. Nancy is the
wife of BruceBaker, themother
ofTom,Bill,Patti,Bob, Johnand
Cindi. She has 21 grandchildren
received her RN and Bachelors
Degree from the University of
Bakersmoved toLeRoy in1963.
Nancy is a “people person”,
genuinely interested in and con-
cerned for her family, friends,
and anyone who might need a
helpinghand.Oneof theamazing
thingsaboutNancy isherenergy.
Whenshecommits tosomething,
you can rest assure shewill give
it her all.
Nancy served on the Le Roy
School Board for 18 years in-
cluding8year aspresident of the
Board.She iscurrentlyamember
of the Woodward Memorial
Library Board. She was one of
the originators of the school
of voluntarism and community
involvement including the start
up of FISH, Friends In Service
Here, providing transportation
for shopping and appointments;
PTSO, Parent Teacher Service
Organization to arrange for vol-
unteers tohelp in the classroom;
Community Intervention toassist
teachers and parents to under-
from alcohol and drug use. As a
member of the Genesee County
Medical Society Auxiliary she
brought “Smoking Sam” to the
classroom to make children
aware of the perils of smoking.
She has served on numer-
ous Village, Town, and Coun-
ty committees including; The
LeRoy Recreation Committee;
the original LeRoy Community
Pool Committee; the Screening
Committee tohire aVillageAd-
ministrator; The County Wide
Stop DWI committee; and as a
For many years Nancy was
on stage with the LeRoy Rotary
Club Musicals to raise money
for theMilne Scholarships. As a
member of the LeRoyTown and
Country Garden Club she helps
tomaintain the plantings around
the Village Welcome Signs and
uptown plantings.
Her commitment as amember
ofStMark’sChurch reflectsNan-
cy’svolunteerismand reliability.
She has been a member of the
Church Vestry; representative
from StMarks when LCCPwas
formed; representative from St.
Marks to theDiocese;participant
in the Mill Street Breakfast and
Lunch programs; advisor to the
Sunshine Nursery School; Sun-
day School teacher; numerous
fund drives; and currently is a
Lay Eucharist Minister bringing
monthlycommunion to theLeRoy
Honors Nancy Baker has re-
ceived: GeneseeCountyWoman
of theYear (1988);LeRoyWom-
an’s ClubWoman of theMonth
(1966); and LeRoy Rotary Club
Paul HarrisAward for hermany
years of community service.
Nancy Baker loves our town
and isaverygoodfriend tomany.
behalfofour communityand the
people in it are remarkable.
Thank youNancyBaker!!!
NancyBakerNamed 46thLeRoyan of theYear
foundme in the
1ChurchSt., LeRoy, NY14482
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