Issue 3-9-14 Website - page 14

by Mary Margaret Ripley
My husband came home last
week with ten cases of sour
cream after helping with a local
food distribution drive. He knew
I used sour cream in my baking
and thought that I could put it to
good use. Yes, I use a lot of sour
cream but 120 lbs of it is a little
more than I can handle especial-
ly since the sell by date was for
the 12th and it was now the 15th.
I was not particularly worried
about the sell by date though.
Sour cream can last for a month
at least after the sell by date but
there is a fairly limited amount
of uses for sour cream in baking
or cooking. Many recipes call for
a cup and I now had 240 cups!
Now you might be wondering
how I planned on using all of
this sour cream. Right after I got
the 10 cases I posted my predic-
ament on Facebook and offered
to drop off containers to friends
and family who wanted some. I
got rid of two cases doing that.
Then I took a case to church and
twisted everyone’s arms in the
Adult Sunday School Class to
take some. Then I gave a case
to Grace’s Kitchen. Also anyone
who came over for a visit didn’t
leave without taking some home
with them. All told I gave away
4 ¼ cases of sour cream.
Now about the other 5 ½ cas-
es, I did some research for new
recipes and found many uses for
sour cream that I had not thought
of. Of course there are always
a lot of tacos and French onion
dips to be made but a recipe for
Irish Soda Bread called for a cup
of sour cream and my favorite
pineapple cream pie has two
cups. My research also found
that if I was going to use the sour
cream in any baking I could, in
fact, freeze the sour cream and
thaw it out and use it later. Freez-
ing does not work if you want to
use the sour cream fresh, such
as a topping for chili or tacos.
Freezing the cream is not nor-
mally recommended because it
separates and become watery.
While this consistency is not ide-
al for fresh use, it is perfectly ac-
ceptable for use in baking where
it will be broken down anyway.
After the research findings
proved I could freeze the sour
cream, I popped 4 cases (48
containers) into the freezer and
will use them at a later date. That
now leaves me with 18 contain-
ers to use and I can handle that
amount. Scones anyone?
I would love to hear from you.
If you have a question or com-
ment or a topic you would like me
to discuss in this column please
feel free to contact me at
Baking From Scratch
All the children and teachers at Love Bugs Preschool want to
thank everyone that donated, volunteered and came out to sup-
port them at their Mardi Gras Dinner & Cash Raffle. It was such
a success that they have decided to make this an annual event!
Pictured here are the teachers at Love Bugs Preschool, Mrs.
Panepento and Mrs. McCulley greeting everyone as they arrived!
Love Bugs Preschool
Thanks You
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57 West Main Street, Leroy, NY 14482
Village Square Apartments
57 West Main Street, Leroy, NY 14482
ApArtmentS AVAilAble
Section 8 accepted • 62 years of age or older.
Disabled, regardless of age, income qualifications.
RENT: 30% of income or basic rent
Accessible Units • Off-Street Parking • Laundry on Premises
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Section 8 accepted • 62 years of age or older.
Disabled, regardless of a , income qualifications.
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Village Square Apartments
57 West Main Street, Leroy, NY 14482
ApArtmentS AVAilAble
Section 8 acc pted • 62 years of age or older.
Disabled, regardless of age, income qualifications.
RENT: 30% of income or basic rent
Accessible Units • Off-S reet Parking • Laundry on Premises
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800-62 -1220 - TDD • NYS Relay Line 711
Village Square Apartments
57 West Main Street, Leroy, NY 14482
ApArtmentS AVAi Able
Section 8 accepted • 62 years of age or older.
Disabled, regardless of age, income qualifications.
RENT: 30% f income or basic rent
Acce sible Units • Off-Street Parking • Lau dry on Pr mis s
Ap l ances &Carpeting • Community Room • Professionally Managed
We maintain landscaping, trash removal, common area cleaning &
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