Issue 3-8-15 Website - page 15

Fax Service
1ChurchSt., LeRoy, NY • (585) 768-2201
OUR FAX # (585) 768-6334
03/01/2015 - 21year oldLuisA.CastroMaldonadopreviouslyof
27EastMainStreet, LeRoy,was arrestedonMarch01, 2015by the
LeRoyPoliceDepartment and chargedwithone count ofAssault in
theSecondDegree, aClassEFelony.
Early inmorningofMarch01,2015 theLeRoyPoliceDepartment
responded on two separate occasions to the complaint of loud and
excessive noise coming from an apartment located at 27EastMain
Street in theVillageofLeRoy. ThePolice laterresponded to thatsame
address for the report of anassault. Upon respondingOfficers found
avictimwith a laceration to their face. After abrief investigation it
is alleged that during an altercationbetweenCastroMaldonado and
the victim, CastroMaldonado picked up a snow shovel and struck
thevictim in the face. As a result thevictim suffered a laceration to
their face, thevictimwas treatedand releasedbyLeRoyAmbulance
for their injuries.
CastroMaldonadowas arraigned in front of theHonorable Judge
Welsh and releasedunder the supervisionofGenesee Justice. Cas-
troMaldonado is to appear back in theLeRoyTownCourt onApril
06, 2015.
During the same altercation, 22 year old Allysa L. Castro of 91
SouthMain Street, Perry, was arrested onMarch 01, 2015 by the
LeRoyPoliceDepartment andchargedwithonecountofHarassment
in theSecondDegree, aViolation.
It isalleged thatduring thealtercationCastrostruckasecondvictim
in the hand and then punched said victim in the face.
Castrowas issuedanappearance ticketand is toappear in theLeRoy
TownCourt onMarch 12, 2015 to answer to the charge.
The LeRoy Police Department was assisted by members of the
GeneseeCountySheriff’sOffice and theLeRoyAmbulance.
40 year oldGeraldL. Barber of 143 JacksonStreet, Batavia, was
arrestedonFebruary28, 2015by theLeRoyPoliceDepartment and
chargedwithDrivingWhile Intoxicated, aMisdemeanor,Consump-
tion of Alcohol in aMotor Vehicle, a Violation, Refusal to Take a
BreathTest, aViolation,Driver’sViewObstructed, aViolation,Side
WindowsandRearSideWindowsNonTransparent, bothViolations.
Barberwasstoppedby theLeRoyPoliceDepartmentafterallegedly
having illegal tint, after abrief investigationBarberwas found tobe
Barber was arraigned in front of theHonorable JudgeWelsh and
was turned over to theGeneseeCounty Jail in lieu of $250.00 bail.
Barber is to return to theLeRoyTownCourt at a later date toanswer
to the charge.
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