Issue 4-12-15 Website - page 11

I’ve been spendingquite a bit of time thumbing through the 1940
Book and thought I’d share some photos of places that have disap-
peared in the last 75years. Some are longgone and forgotten, but a
fewmight bring up somememories for some of you.
Located just
south of theMu-
nicipal Building
on Clay Street
Jay’s was owned
by JaySerusa.
Nicholas Keeney
and his son Calvin
founded their part-
nership in 1872. In
1928 they merged
with ASGROW.
The LeRoy facility
closed in 1950 and
this warehouse on
LakeStreet was destroyed byfire.
Located off the
west side of Lake
Street, along the
railroad tracks,
LeRoy Plow was
organized in 1899
andwas ownedby
ThomasLarkin. It
remained in busi-
nessuntil theearly
Athletic StadiumBehind theSchool
The Woodward
family donated
funds for the “new”
athletic field that
was located behind
the school off Tri-
gon Park. It was in
use until Hartwood
Parkwas built.
LeRoy had two din-
ers. This one was
first located onWest
Main Street adja-
cent to theoldGrove
Motel. Itwasmoved
downtown in front
of theLeRoyDining
Grill andwas located aboutwhere the entrance to the drive-thru for
McDonald’s is today.
This gas station
was on Main
Street about
where McDon-
ald’s is located
Lamps on the
The cementMainStreet Bridge
was built in 1909 and replaced
the decrepit iron bridge. By the
1970s the cement bridgewas in
disrepair and was replaced by
the present bridge.
ErnestWoodwardbuilt his home
the siteof his father’s home,Hill
Bar. Ernest’s estate was known
asPoplarLane. This clock tower
was on the stables behind his
home. It was removed and sold
when his house was torn down
in the 1950s.
Girl ScoutCabin
This limestone building
was located on the west
side of the Oatka Creek
inally it was the office
and powder house for the
limestone quarry located
nearby. It was donated to
the Girl Scouts by Frank
LaBounty. It fell intodis-
repair andwas razed.
Stairway InSteuber’s Store
In 1855 amassive fire destroyed
much of the north side of Main
Street to Mill Street. Within a
year, most of the buildings were
rebuilt, including the Upham
Blockon thecornerofMillStreet.
Thisamazingstaircasewas in the
Steuber Store. At some point it
was torn out.
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