Issue 5-18-14 Website - page 8

NOTICE From TownOf Stafford
Code Enforcement
1. Require permits (less than two feet deep are exempt)
2. Mustbeat least48 inches inheightabovegradearound theentire
perimeter of the pool or be fenced according toNYSCode
3. Must be alarmed
4. Must have electrical inspections
5. Mustmeet property line set backs
The blow up air ring pools donotmeet the above regulationswithout being
fenced as they don’t have rigid sides.
If they are over or designed tobe over two feet deep theymustmeet the above
Questions regarding this notice ...
contact Code Enforcement office
344.1554 ext. 7
585.344.1554, ext. 7
As spring has finally arrived, please remember to keep properties neat and clean both for your
own satisfaction and that of your neighbors:
1. Remove anddispose of junk anddebris
2. Remove un-roadworthyvehicles
3. Keep grass andweeds in the immediate area of buildingsmowed and cleaned up
4. Take care of buildingmaintenance (porches, roofs, railings, windows and anyother
maintenance issues)
These are just some of the issues that this office receives complaints on a regular basis.
Just about every structural issue requires a permit including roofs (these areNYS
regulations that this office is chargedwith enforcingnot just Townof Stafford).
TheNYSCODESDivisionhasasked thecodeenforcement officers tobeespeciallyvigilant in
enforcing theNYSCODE in regard topoolsdue to safetyhazards theypresent to small children.
If this office sees or is receipt of a complaint about a non-compliant pool, a violationnoticewill
be sent orhanddelivered to theoccupant andownerof theproperty.The responsibilityultimately
iswith the owner of the property.
TheCodeEnforcement Office
wishes everyone a safe andhappy spring and summer.
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