LeRoy Pennysaver & News - page 11

Each year, the Historical So-
ciety holds a Dinner Auction
at LeRoy House. It’s always a
special evening and we’re able
to raise somemoney to continue
with our education programs at
Wolcott Street School, aswell as
pay for the electric bill and the
heat bill.
This year, a portion of the in-
come will go toward the Statue
of Liberty project. So our theme
this year is “Strengthen the Arm
ing the ethnic diversity of our
community with an “Around the
World” menu. Beginning with
Scotch Broth and Barley Soup
with Irish Soda Bread. Then a
savory Greek Salad and a dou-
ble entrée of Beef Wellington
and Veal Parmesan served with
French-cut green beans. The
menu is finishedwithAmerica’s
Most Famous Dessert - (which
wasserved to immigrantscoming
throughEllis Island. )
bar is at 5pm followedby a sit-
down dinner at 6 pm. Tickets
are available for $45 each. Call
768-7433 to confirm reserva-
tions.We aremost appreciative
to the D&R Depot who caters
the dinner eachyear.
Thisyear, theauction features a
set ofmapleVictorian chairswith
cane seats, as well as a beautiful
quilt, aChristmas tree andwreath
donated byMcPhersonOrchards.
Agift basket has beendonatedby
the Divine Tree. Amost unusual
item is a DNA test to verify your
genealogic family.There isevery-
toglass dishes filledwith candy.
The auction is in the capable
handsofBillKentandhis family,
whokeep everyoneon their toes.
Once again, this year there will
be the $20 envelopes - - always
a popular surprise for everyone.
The silent auction which is held
during the auction preview will
have some very nice small items
that needanewhome. So joinus
for a candlelit evening at LeRoy
House for some good food, good
friends and a good time.
April 1&2
Therearen’t toomanymuseums
invite folks in to enjoy the pink
will beopenFridayandSaturday
from noon until 4. Bring your
kidsover tocountflamingoesand
enjoy an afternoon of fun. The
games will be out and there will
be a few cookies to enjoy.
For the past several years, the
Historical Society has offered a
bus trip to visit historic sites and
museums. This spring we will
be heading to Newport, Rhode
Island. On Friday, April 29, the
buswill leaveLeRoyandwewill
will offer us a walking tour of
downtownNewport, andwewill
visit twoof theopulentmansions,
includingMarble House, owned
was a noted suffrage supporter.
Also on the tour will be a visit
to Trinity Church where a large
marble plaque is dedicated to
Jacob LeRoy’s sister-in-law,
Suzanna Fish. She
married Daniel Le-
Roy, Jacob’s young-
er brother, and they
eventually lived in
free time to enjoy
some great restau-
rants and do some
shopping. There are
a few seats available
for this trip, so ifyou
would like details
callme at 768-7433.
Barn Quilt Update
Suzi Parone, who
wrote thebookabout
BarnQuilts,will return toLeRoy
and introduce her new book,
which includesseveralofourbarn
quilts. She will share some new
stories about her travels across
House at 7pm.Markyour calen-
dar and join us for an interesting
OatkaFestival –July16&17
Parade at 11 am on Saturday –
Welcome the Statue of Liberty
back to LeRoy; Sunday, plan to
join us on the creek bank to re-
dedicate our LadyLiberty.
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