LeRoy Pennysaver & News - page 5

Some lucky folks got a little
extra holiday cheer at Gene-
see County’s Christmas dance
for adults with developmental
disabilities held on Thursday,
November 19 at the Byron Fire
Hall.Thedancers,mostlyclad in
their holiday fare, were buzzing
with excitement in anticipation
of anappearancebySantaClaus.
About an hour into the dance
an announcement wasmade that
Santawas spotted in the parking
lot. The jolly old fellow accom-
paniedbyMrs.Claus,made their
way through thehallas thecrowd
cheered and applauded. The
couplewere escorted into chairs
in front of the Christmas tree
and everyonegathered around in
Pat Iamon, dance coordinator,
called each person up to the
front by name. Everyone had
an opportunity to sit and visit
with the red-clad couple for a
fewmoments while Uncle Joe
snapped a photo. Santa handed
each person a special Christmas
gift bag; and as an added treat
each individual was escorted to
two tables to select a hand-craft-
ed stocking cap or ear warming
headband all made byMrs. Pam
Truax of Byron. For the second
timeand talents tomake these for
ourdancersand thisyear shewas
able to hand them out in person.
Someof the items in thegift bags
were made possible with dona-
Aflyer for the last danceof the
SantaBrings SomeChristmasCheerEarlyThisYear
ithad thewrongdate.Pleasenote
that the next dance will be held
on Thursday, May 12, of next
year. ItwillbeourPajamaDance
and will be held at the Byron
Fire Hall. As always the dances
are open to all individuals with
developmental disabilities ages
13 and up in Genesee County.
Anyone wanting to volunteer or
would like more information on
the dances can call Laura Platt
at 548-2245 or Pat Iamon at
1,2,3,4 6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,...20
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