Issue 1-18-15 Website - page 14

Some lucky folks got a little
extra holiday cheer at Genesee
County’s Christmas dance for
adults with developmental dis-
abilities held on Thursday, De-
cember18at theSouthByronFire
Hall. Thedancers,mostlyclad in
their holiday fare, were buzzing
with excitement in anticipation
of anappearancebySantaClaus.
About an hour into the dance
an announcement wasmade that
Santawas spotted in the parking
lot.The jollyold fellowmadehis
way through thehall as thecrowd
escorted into a chair in front of
the Christmas tree and everyone
gathered around.
Familiar Christmas carols
played in the background as Pat
Iamon, dance coordinator, called
each person up to the front by
name. They had amoment to sit
andvisitwith the jolly fellowand
then strike a pose so that Uncle
handed person a special Christ-
mas gift bag.
All were happy to have their
moment with Santa and after
returning to their seats they ex-
citedlyopened theirgiftbag.The
donations fromcommunitybusi-
nesses.Alsoeachperson received
ahandcrafted scarforheadband
made anddonatedbyPamTruax
Since it was a very chilly eve-
ning, many folks wore their gift
home. Special thanks tocommu-
nitybusinesses andKevinFisher
for their contributions to the
danceand to theSouthByronFire
Department for donating the use
of their hallwhile theByronFire
Hall is being renovated.
The next dance, on Thursday,
April 14, will be our newly
themedPatrioticdance. Itwill be
held at the Byron Fire Hall. As
Laura andSanta share a specialmoment.
always thedances areopen to all
individuals with developmental
disabilities ages 13 and up in
Genesee County. Anyone want-
ing to volunteer or would like
more information on the dances
can call Laura Platt at 548-2245
or Pat Iamon at 245-2918.
Fax Service
1ChurchSt., LeRoy, NY • (585) 768-2201
OUR FAX # (585) 768-6334
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