Issue 11-15-15 Website - page 4

byStephenR. Barbeau
Supervisor,Town ofLeRoy
(585)768-6910 x 231
Congratulations to the Board
of Education, Superintendent
Cox, Principal Messura, Assis-
tant Principal Wilson, and the
entire staff and student body of
theWolcott Street School on its
designationas aNational School
of Character. Just aswe submit-
tedourproposal in thenext round
LCSD is recognized as one of
America’s best school districts!
Quite a nice celebration I had
the privilege to be a part of last
Friday, November 6!
ThoughIdon’tuse thiscolumn
to speak about election issues
prior to a vote, I would like to
comment some post-campaign.
First, Iwould like to thankKelly
Lathan, Councilwoman, and
John Arneth, Highway Superin-
tendent, for their many years of
service and selfless dedication
to our town. Their various areas
of expertise were truly an asset.
Simultaneously,TomStella, John
Armitage, Dave Paddock, Patty
Canfield, and I look forward to
working with Councilman-elect
JohnDuyssen andHighway Su-
perintendent-elect Eric Stauffer
over the next four years.
Additionally, as I traveled to
the approximately 3,000 voter
registered households in the
Town, I heard about a variety
of topics that folks had ques-
tions about. So, next year, I
will devote a portion of various
columnsdealingwithsuch topics
as thedifferencesbetweenTown
and Village government, the
processof trying to reducespeed
limitson roads in the town, storm
watermanagement, and various
code issues.
One item I would like to ad-
dressprior to thestartofnextyear
is how folks can get accurate,
factual information concerning
town matters. Please permit me
to offer an analogy. If someone
posts thestatement“It rainedvery
hard lastnight”onasocialmedia
site, what conclusion(s) can you
draw?First of all, if youweren’t
in town,doyouknow if itactually
rained at all? If I conclude that it
did,what is thewriter’sdefinition
of “very hard”? By last night,
does thewritermean the latePM
hours of yesterday or the early
AMhoursof today?Lotsof room
for individual interpretation (or
even outright misrepresentation
of the facts). In this example,
if it was very important to me
and I needed to form an accurate
conclusion, I would check with
theNationalWeatherService for
factual dataonwhether it rained,
when, and howmuch.
In the same manner, should
youwish accurate, factual infor-
mation concerning Town issues
goingforward, Iurgeyou tocheck
out ourweb site (primary source
documents such as the budget,
code, and soon, comprehensive
plan are posted there so you can
read them for yourselves andnot
rely on secondary commentary)
or speakwithanymemberof the
TownBoard directly.
Weall attendmanychurchand
service organization functions
not just to support their many
worthwhile causes, but also to
make ourselves available to you
to ask any questions you might
have concerningTown issues.
Of course, I will continue to
do my best in informing you
with this column as I see you
Around Town. Thank you Vet-
erans (this pastWednesday) and
HappyThanksgiving (twoweeks
Town Supervisor Column
Words cannot express how thankful I am for all the voters
that cameoutonElectionDay tohelpmeattain theposition
of LeRoyHighway Superintendent. It has been humbling
to have somany family, friends and other supporters back
me throughout this process.
• Town andCountyDemocraticParties for your backing andfinancial support
• Independence,WorkingFamilyParties andUnitedAutoWorkers for your Endorsements
•Design and donation of the banner andflyers
•Helpwith the various advertisements
• Everyone that helped up to and throughElection night
In closing, I am eager to step intomy new role on January 1, 2016 and serve the residents of LeRoy. I look
forward to continue working closelywith the Highway Crew and partneringwith the Town Board, Village
DPW andLeRoyFireDepartment.
EricStauffer andFamily
Iwould like towish all the best tomy predecessor and his family
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