Issue 1-25-15 Website - page 13

Carly Stauffer, Ally Flint, Bailey Logsdon, and Kayla Fussell
(pictured) made over 100 stuffed snowmen for the residents at
theLeRoyVillageGreenNursingHome.They cameupwith the
idea on their own and handcrafted them. This past week, the
girls came in and spent a couple hours with the residents, each
ofwhichreceiveda snowman.Theresidentsabsolutely loved the
snowmen andwere thrilled to visitwith the girls!
As crispas theday they weremade.
Our state-of-the-artwide format color printer allows
prints up to 42”widebyany length youdesire!
Get thosedigital
picture files off your
cameracards and
on to your walls!
1ChurchSt., LeRoy, NY14482
01/22/2015 - A series of three car thefts which occurred in the
VillageofLeRoybetween01/07/2015and01/12/2015has led to the
arrest of two persons thus far, a husband andwife, solving two of
the three cases. The car thefts solved consist of thefirst theftwhich
occurred onLake Street on 01/07/2015 and the second theft which
occurredonMyrtleStreeton01/08/2015.The third theft isstillunder
investigationanddoesnot appear that the twopersonsso fararrested
are related to this thirdcase. It does appear that all threearea result
of suspected drug activity.
The two persons arrested by the LeRoy Police Department are
LaurenE. Charache (age 35) andDuane J. Charache (age 31) both
of 115MyrtleStreet inLeRoy.
LaurenCharachewas initially
arrested by the Batavia Police
she was allegedly found in Pos-
sessionof the 2nd stolenvehicle
(fromMyrtleStreet,LeRoy). She
was later chargedwithonecount
ofCriminal PossessionofStolen
Property in the Third Degree, a
Class D-Felony, on 01/15/2015
by theLeRoyPoliceDepartment
for thesamestolenvehiclealleg-
ingshealsopossessed that stolen
vehicle in theVillage of LeRoy on the same day.
After further investigation,
werechargedby theLeRoyPolice
Department with one count of
Criminal Possession of Stolen
Property in the Third Degree, a
Class D-Felony, Two Counts of
Criminal Possession of Stolen
Property in the FourthDegree, a
Class E-Felony and one count of
Criminal Mischief in the Fourth
Degree, a classA-Misdemeanor.
It is alleged that bothDuane and
Lauren Charache allegedly possessed the first vehicle stolen from
Lake Street on 01/07/2015 and further allegedly possessed stolen
credit cards which had been stolen from the Rochester area that
same day. The Criminal Mischief charge stems from the fact that
after allegedly possessing this stolen vehicle, the vehicle was then
recklessly damaged in an amount over $250.00.
LaurenCharachehasbeenarraignedbefore theHon.D. Sehmof
the LeRoy Town Court and committed to the Genesee County Jail
in lieu $10,000 bail.
Duane Charache has been arraigned before the Hon. D. Sehm
of theLeRoyTownCourt and releasedunder the supervisionof the
Genesee Justice program.
They help sponsor the local news section of the Le Roy Pennysaver.
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