LeRoy Pennysaver & News - page 8

BuffaloState is pleased to con-
gratulate the following student
who completed their baccalaure-
ate degrees in spring 2015.
Amy Bierbrauer
of Le Roy
earnedaB.F.A. incommunication
of Byron,
NY, is being recognized as one
of the first-year scholarship re-
cipients of the Lebanon Valley
College class of 2019.Walker, a
graduate of Byron-Bergen High
School, plans to study actuarial
science at TheValley.
brought Rotarians a nice sunny,
but cool summer day for attend-
ing lunch.
The meeting was opened by
President Tony Gugino with the
Pledge, Prayer and Four-Way
Our guests todaywereNicole
There were many announce-
ments on theRotary calendar:
The Board meeting will be
held Wednesday, Aug.12th at
11:00 am at theGreens.
be held at the home of BobBen-
nett onSept. 27.
Nov. 1stwillbe theAppliance
The Past Presidents Dinner
will be held in late Sept. and
the Area 7090 Christmas Party
will in early January. (Rotarians
certainly do plan ahead.)
Fines were levied to several
Marcia McKenzie was the only
one back from vacation to bring
tie of theNYC sky line.
Lunch sessions are always
a fun time. Carol Wolfe was
fined for something about baby
sitting three cats. JimEllison for
traveling thru three states and
Washington DC in the last few
weeks. Also Larry Boylan was
honoredandfined forhisbeinga
member of LeRoyRotary for 43
years.ThankYouLarry forbeing
a dedicatedmember ofRotary.
TomMcGinnis was given a
heartfelt thank you byRotarians
for all hedoes for theOatkaFes-
tivaleachyear. (Wehadforgotten
to thank him a fewweeks ago.)
These events take many volun-
teers to make it run smoothly
and we thank everyone who
helpedmake this year’s festival
a success.
The 9 & l0 year old All Star
Team made it to the sectional
finals. Bob Sullivan previously
volunteered to pay for any post
zie agreed to match it. So, both
gave a nice donation to Rotary
today. Marcia had a grandson
playing and Eric Fix’s son was
also on the team.
Our program was a birthday
talk by our newest member,
Ben Deragon. Ben grew up in
Caledonia.His familyowns three
funeral homes in thearea.Ben is
a firefighter inGreece, but is on
leave to help in the family busi-
ness. Welcome, Ben to LeRoy
The meeting ended with the
50-50 Raffle and all went off to
begin the afternoon elsewhere.
How fortunate I am to live ina communitywhere you can count on
the support of itsmemberswhenyouneed it themost.
Iwashumbled to see somanypeopleat theDemocraticCaucus
in support ofme running for LeRoyHighwaySuperintendent.
Thankyou for nominatingme to rununder theDemocraticParty.
Thankyou to the IndependencePartyandWorkingFamilyParty
for your endorsementsand for all those that signedpetitions
tomake it official.
Finally, thankyou tomy familyand friendswhoworked sohard to
put everything together andwalkedwithme in the
OatkaFestivalParade, and everyonewhohas been so supportive
ofmydecision to run forLeRoyHighwaySuperintendent.
You can count onme todomyverybest to serve our
great community if elected.
I ask for your continued support andyour vote inNovember.
EricStauffer andFamily
Peaches •Cantaloupes •Zucchini
Summer Squash •Watermelon
Cucumbers • Pickles •Cherries •Tomatoes
8160LakeRd. (Rt. 19)
LeRoy, NY
1/2mile southof Thruway
768-2280 • 704-1157
Hours:Mon.-Sat. 9-6, Sunday 9-5
Jams • Jelly •Honey • Syrup
Gift Certificates
1,2,3,4,5,6,7 9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,...20
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