
Theatre Association of NewYork State For more information ... visit us on the web at ... Inside This Issue: Front Cover - President's Letter Pg. 2 - Festival Special Awards Pg. 3 - Festival Wrap Up Pg. 4 - Festival Results Pg. 5 - TANYS mourns . Dr. Laurence Baker Pg. 5 - BMI Competition Pg. 6 - Note from John Parker Pg. 7 - Bob Frame Honored Pg. 8 - Contact TANYS Pg. 9 - Members & Sponsors Pg. 10 - Membership Levels Pg. 11 - Renew Now for 2020 Dear Members, As I sit to write these words I am overcome with a strong feeling of Deja Vu (you know, that "I've done this" or "been here before" feeling)! But wait.... it's not Deja Vu!!! I have done this and been here before! I realize I wrote my last message to TANYS members back in 1998 when I was President of this wonderful organization (1996 - 1998) for the first time. Who knew that 21 years later I would find myself in the same position as President once again! I am grateful and honored for the opportunity to serve yet again at the helm of this vital and important arts organization! Much has changed in those 21 years. Not the least of which is the fact that, at this time, we all find ourselves facing a frightening and unfamiliar challenge. A challenge that has changed the daily lives of everyone. However, over those 21 years our organization has grown, is strong and continues to function as a network for sharing and support for Community and Educational theatres throughout New York State. One wonderful thing that has grown out of our current daily situation is the collective awareness for the greater need of the arts at a time like this. We should all be proud of what we see theaters (both professional and community), concert artists, and dance companies are doing to bring the performing arts into the lives of everyone throughout our State, and the entire country, via the electronic media. It just goes to prove that when humankind's spirit needs to be lifted, the arts will be there to do the job! I commend everyone who has joined the movement to keep the arts a part of all of our daily lives, by using the alternative means that modern technology has provided us with. It may not be the same as sitting in an audience and sharing that exciting human interaction between performers and audience members...but it sure fills a needed gap until we can return to normalcy. As for our production schedules on the various local fronts; we may now be on hold, but I know that every company in this great "State of the Arts" will come blazing back into life on stage when the 'all clear' is sounded. As for our annual State Festival, we are hopeful and confident at this time that we will be able to go forward as planned. However, rest assured we will keep the safety and health of our membership foremost in our minds when a final TANYS Board decision is made as to gathering in Rome, NY in November to celebrate our theatre community for Festival 2020. Be sure to keep current with a watchful eye on the TANYS website and future Callboards for updates on this issue and other TANYS news. In the meantime, keep safe, stay healthy and recruit a few new members! Convince others (both individual and company) of the value of a TANYS membership. You are our best Ambassadors! Also, consider becoming a Board or committee member. Many hands do indeed make light work. Just contact any of us on the Board if you are interested in serving. (After all, you knew I had to put in a pitch didn't you?!) Michael C. Krickmire, MFA Lecturer in Theatre Coordinator of Stage Management Dept. of Theatre & Music Studies President, Theatre Association of New York State President, Rochester Community Players ´ ´ ´ ´ Callboard - Volume XVII • Issue 1 • Spring 2020