LeRoy Pennysaver & News

LE ROY PENNYSAVER & NEWS - AUGUST 27, 2023 Rent To Own 4 Mobile Home Units available at Oatka Creek MHP - 2 Black Creek MHP - 2 Call (585) 738-0953 for details C L A S S I F I E D S Local SWEATSHIRTS, T-SHIRTS, JACKETS, HATS: WE CAN CUSTOMIZE WITH SCREEN PRINTING OR EMBROIDERY. FAMOUS BRAND NAMES ONLY. GREAT FUND RAISERS! TEAMS, CLUBS, GROUPS. CALL TODAY. LP GRAPHICS, 585-768-2201 OR FAX 585-768-6334. YOUR CLASSIFIED HERE! PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD TODAY IN THE LEROY PENNYSAVER AND NEWS! OFFICE@LEROYNY. COM OR CALL (585)768-2201! DONATE YOUR CAR TO CHARITY. RECEIVE MAXIMUM VALUE OF WRITE OFF FOR YOUR TAXES. RUNNING OR NOT! ALL CONDITIONS ACCEPTED. FREE PICKUP. CALL FOR DETAILS. 1-855-587-1166 ATTENTION: OXYGEN USERS! GAIN FREEDOM WITH A PORTABLE OXYGEN CONCENTRATOR! NO MORE HEAVY TANKS AND REFILLS! GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICES! CALL THE OXYGEN CONCENTRATOR STORE: 855-839-1738 DON'T PAY FOR COVERED HOME REPAIRS AGAIN! AMERICAN RESIDENTIAL WARRANTY COVERS ALL MAJOR SYSTEMS AND APPLIANCES. 30 DAY RISK FREE/ $100OFF POPULAR PLANS. 833-928-1051 TOPS (TAKE OFF POUNDS SENSIBLY) - Meets every Monday at 5:00 at the First Presbyterian Church in LeRoy. Call 585-356-4252 for more information. THRIFT SHOP - At the First Presbyterian Church basement. Main & Clay St. LeRoy. Tuesdays 10-noon, & 4-5:30pm, Saturdays 10-noon. Donations accepted by phoning 7688700 or by appointment 585-356-6362. GRACE'S CLOSET - A clothing giveaway at LeRoy United Methodist Church, 10 Trigon Park, LeRoy NY. Clothing for all ages infants through adults. Tuesday 5:00-630p & Thursday's 9:3011:30a. Contact 768-8980. Use rear entrance onWest side of building. “COMMUNITY FOR UNDERSTANDING” A book discussion group open to all, will meet on Tuesday, September 19 from 6:30-7:30 pm at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, 1 East Main St., LeRoy to discuss “Wings in Flight”by LeRoy author SandraWhiting. LEROY FOOD PANTRY - 10AM - 12PM. Monday - Thursday in the basement of the LeRoy Town Hall. LEROY-STAFFORD SENIOR CITIZENS LUNCHEON - Will be on the thirdWednesday of each month at 12:30pm. NEW LOCATION: Our Lady of Mercy Parish Center, 44 Lake Street, LeRoy NY. Contact Rosemary (585)506-5233, Lucy (585)721-6073 or Sue (585)861-0422. GRIEF SHARE - A grief recovery support group, will be meeting at the Hope Center, located at 42 Main Street in LeRoy. It will be held on Thursday evenings from 7:00pm to 8:30pm and will run from September 7 through December 7. For more information or to register, call: Mari-Lee Ruddy at (716) 861-5645. GENESEE VALLEY CIVIL WAR ROUNDTABLE - will meet Wednesday, September 20th at 7 pm at the Pavilion United Methodist Church at the corner of 63 & 19 in Pavilion. All are welcome.