LeRoy Pennysaver & News

LE ROY PENNYSAVER & NEWS - DECEMBER 18, 2022 Thank you and Happy Holidays! The LeRoy Pennysaver & News Submit your business Holiday Ad or greeting for our special December 25th, Christmas/New Years Edition of The LeRoy Pennysaver & News at office@leroyny.com or call (585) 768-2201 for more information. Our Deadline for the December 25th issue will be Monday, December 19th at Noon by Greg “Porp” Rogers Winterfest was fantastic!!!!! Thank you to all who put in efforts to make the event such a success. Next we will have the return of the big tree which means we will have to find another place for the current tree, which will bring even more festivity next year. In my last article I mentioned my three department heads, (The 3 wise men! Haha little Christmas pun) but seriously they do a great jobs running the department. They are Steve Carroll of the waste water treatment plant, Bob Lathan Jr. of the DPW and Greg Kellogg of the police department. The village offices will be closed the following days December 23, December 26 and January 2, 2023. I hope everyone has a great holiday season and be ready for the fireworks on New Year’s eve. “ Its easy to take the high road, because the traffic is courteous” Porpism Mayor's Corner The family of Regina Steen wishes to sincerely thank you for your expressions of kindness and sympathy. We especially want to thank Falcone Family Funeral Home for their wonderful care. Christmas Eve Service December 24 at 7:00 pm Holy Eucharist Traditional carols with organ & special music The Rev. Colleen O’Connor, Celebrant St. Mark’s Episcopal Church 1 East Main St., LeRoy stmarksleroy.org