LeRoy Pennysaver & News

LE ROY PENNYSAVER & NEWS - JULY 10, 2022 MooseCreek 2022 Oatkafest Weekend under the LeRoy Moose Tent Bad Luck Band Friday July 15 @ 8pm Red Creek Saturday July 16 @ 7pm Kentucky Outlaws Sunday July 17 @ 4pm Proceeds to support YWCA Safe House, Crossroads House and Moose Charities. Please Visit the Moose Sweet Corn & Salt Potato Stand at The Oatka Festival. Look for Tommy Moose on the LeRoy Moose Parade Float! MooseCrEek 2022 Oatkafest Weekend under the LeRoy Moose Tent BAd Luck BaNd Friday July 15 @ 8pm ReD CReEk Saturday July 16 @ 7pm KeNtucky OUTlaws Sunday July 17 @ 4pm Proceeds to support YWCA Safe House, Crossroads House and Moose Chariti s. Please Visit the Moose Sweet Corn & Salt Potato Stand at The Oatk Festiv l. Look for Tommy Moose on the LeR y M ose Parade Float!