LeRoy Pennysaver & News

LE ROY PENNYSAVER & NEWS - AUGUST 1, 2021 Free School Supply Distribution sponsored by First Baptist Church 5 East Main Street LeRoy, NY Call 585-768-2308 to place your order. Monday through Thursday August 9-12 th from 10 am -12:30 pm or Tuesday, August 10 th and Thursday, August 12 th from 6-8 pm There will be curbside pick-up the week of August 23 rd . When you call to place your order, we will give you a pick-up date/time. Everyone is welcome! Submitted by Carol Wolfe The Rotary Club of LeRoywas called to order by President Ben Deragon at The LeRoy Country Club. After The Pledge of Allegiance, a prayer and the 4-Way Test, our guest, Jen Bertrand, the Instructional Tech Coach for the LeRoy School District was introduced. There were numerous announcements. The Rotary Back Pack Drive will be held at the Save-A-Lot parking lot on Tuesday, August 17th. For your convenience there are premade bags that can be purchased at a Save-A-Lot checkout. Back by popular demand on Saturday, September 25th is the Rotary Shred-it Event. It will again be at the Orcon parking lot. LeRoy Business Council’s golf tournament is scheduled for September 14 at the LeRoy Country Club. Smart Design Golf Tournament is Tuesday, August 24th at Terry Hills. And, LeRoy Moose is preselling tickets for their August 28th Chicken BBQ that will benefit the Jell-O billboard. Don’t forget that the Rotary Community Kitchen serves free meals on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month. Volunteers are needed, if you are interested in volunteering, contact Christine Gephart. The fining session went quickly. Larry Boylan was fined for a photo of him attempting an Olympic water push event. Actually he was trying to eliminate water from the hot dog tent during the torrential rain last Saturday, but it was a good action shot. Martha and Tony were cited for something to do with golf and a team name. Bob Bennett paid for his unicycle skills and was asked if it should be an Olympic event. President Ben asked a couple of Olympic trivia questions to Mike Tucci and Christine Gephart about baseball and water skiing which they missed. The program, presented by Jen Bertrand and Lynne Belluscio, was on butter churning. It is one of the 4th grade Hands on History programs. Each Rotarian was given a plastic mason jar and some heavy cream and was told to shake, shake, and shake. While we were shaking away Lynne gave us some butter, making facts and a little quiz. It takes about 15 to 20 minutes to shake the cream into butter. First the cream will get thick like whipped cream, then it goes through the “cornmeal” stage. As it starts to turn into butter is goes “slosh”, then “thud”, then when done it will “slish slash”. Then it’s butter in buttermilk. I’m sure 4th grader’s arms do not get as tired as ours, but we all went home with a jar of butter and a new skill. Visit the Rotary Club of LeRoy on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter or visit the website at leroyrotary.org . LeRotary Notes