LeRoy Pennysaver & News

LE ROY PENNYSAVER & NEWS - JULY 18, 2021 Teleflora’s Birthday Sparkle Bouquet $44.99 +tax & del. TBC03-1A Teleflora’s Thrilled for You Bouquet $44.99 +tax & del. TBC03-2A HOURS: M-T 9-5:30 F 9-6:00 Sat. 9-4:00 Celebrating 34Years! Achievements The following Rochester Institute of Technology students were named to the Dean's List for the Spring 2021 semester: Celia Mercovich of Bergen, NY Ava Vescovi of LeRoy, NY Tyler Henry of Bergen, NY Taylor Schofield of Pavilion, NY Lauren Burke of Bergen, NY Jacob Gualtieri of LeRoy, NY Alex Rosse of Byron, NY Courtney Nevin of York, NY Lily Mercovich of Bergen, NY Charlie Stevens of LeRoy, NY Jacob Eggleston of LeRoy, NY Stafford Volunteer Fire Department All You Can Eat Pancake Breakfast Sunday, July 25th 8AM to 1 PM at our Fire Hall by Greg “Porp” Rogers At our meeting on Wednesday evening no action will be taken in regards to the East Avenue project and SEQR report. I will keep you posted as information becomes available. Our Pool experienced a record day in the hot spell already, it’s good to be back to normal. The Wolcott Street project and waste water treatment project are going full speed and you can start to see the progress. Not much else going on. “Life is about making a impact, not a income” Kevin Kruse Mayor's Corner Lakestreet Florist & Gift Shoppe We Deliver To: LE ROY, Byron, Bergen, Caledonia, Mumford, Pavilion, Wyoming, Stafford & Batavia Teleflora Wire Service For Family & Friends Out of Town 8352 585-768-7720 110 Lake St., Le Roy COOK'S LANDSCAPING - 330-3819 Like Us On Facebook Lakestreet Florist Look at our WEBSITE for lots of ideas! www.lakestreetflorist.com