LeRoy Pennysaver & News

LE ROY PENNYSAVER & NEWS - DECEMBER 22, 2019 Merry Christmas & Best Wishes For A Happy New Year! We will be open both Christmas and New Year's Eve until 3pm. Closed Christmas & New Year's Day. LEROYPENNYSAVER&NEWS -APRIL 28,2013 LeRoy'sBestAdvertisingMedium FREECOMMUNITYPAPERSOFNEWYORK Visit us at: www.leroyny.com Phone 585-76 8-2201•Fax585-768-63 34 www.cedarstreetonline.com Owned&OperatedByYourFriends&NeighborsSince1993. 111CedarStreet•Batavia,NY14020•585-343-4899•www.cedarstreetonline.com WinterHours Now InEffect Mon.-Fri.8-5:00,Sat.8-2 PIZZA •SUBS •WINGS •PASTA LEROY 110W.MAIN STREET 768 -4500 WEDELIVER HOURS:Mon.-Thurs.11a.m.-11p.m. Fri.&Sat.11a.m.-12Midnight - OPENINGSundays,Noon -11p.m. MondaySpecial LargeCheesePizza + 1Topping $10.99 + tax Not validwithotheroffers. Expires5-19-13 www.ficarellaspizzaleroy.com PartyDeal $ 43 99 + tax Expires5-19-13 Not validwith other offers.Pleasemention couponwhen ordering.Taxnot included. FamilyDeal 16"LargeCheesePizza w/1Topping,24BuffaloWings OR 32NEW BonelessWings &2LiterPop $ 27 99 + tax Expires 5-19-13 Not validwith other offers.Pleasemention couponwhen ordering.Taxnot included. Coupon goodatLeRoy store only. MealDeal 13"MediumCheesePizza w/1Topping,12BuffaloWings OR 16NEW BonelessWings &2LiterPop $ 19 99 + tax Expires 5-19-13 Notvalidwith otheroffers.Pleasemention couponwhen ordering.Taxnot included. CoupongoodatLeRoy store only. 1SheetPizza,Cheese&1Topping, Bucketof 50BuffaloWingsOR 64BonelessWings&2LitersofPop Haddock FishFry $ 9.25 VOLUME 79 NO.20 APRIL28, 2013 Friday,April26th PlantATree The helpfulplace. AMISHFURNITURE AtCROCKER'S! WEHAVE THE NEW TABLE FORYOUR BACKYARD PARTY! Graduation Parties, HolidayParties (4th ofJuly),SummerParties, AnyParty.Wehave the tables&benches for you,an awesomeaddition to yourdeck,patio orbackyard! VOLUME 86 NO. 3 DECEMBER 22, 2019 LeRoy Pennysaver & News • www.leroyny.com Phone 585-768-2201 • Fax 585-768-6334 FREECOMMUNITYPAPERSOFNEWYORK Le Roy's Best Advertising Medium Hours: M-F 7:30-8:00, Sat., 8:30-6:00 Sun. 9:00-5:00 Le Roy, NY 768-2360 acehardware.com • crockers@rochester.rr.com Celebrating 50 Years of Business in LeRoy! Monday Special Large Cheese Pizza + 1 Topping $14.49 + tax Expires 01-14-19 HADDOCK FISH FRY $ 1 1 . 9 9 FREE MEDIUM PIZZA Buy One $ 30 00 Gift Certificate Gift Certificate For AMedium Pizza FREE w/cheese & 1 topping ( $ 13.74 value) Through Dec. 31st, 2019 R edeemable after Dec. 31, 2019 110 W. Main St., Le Roy, NY • 768-4500 Get One P IZZA • SUBS • WINGS • PASTA W E D E L I V E R OPEN Monday−Thursday................................. 11 am−11 pm OPEN Friday−Saturday..................................... 11 am−12 pm OPEN Sundays.................................................... Noon−11pm www.pastorespizza.com 110W. MAIN ST. LEROY 768-4500 • .l . Phone 585-768-2201 x 5 - 8-6334 I V LU E 82 N . 3 DECE BER 27, 2015 Le Roy's Best Advertising Medium LEROYPENNYSAVER&NEWS -APRIL 28,2013 LeRoy'sBestAdvertisingMedium FREECOMMUNITYPAPERSOFNEWYORK Visit us at: www.leroyny.com Phone 585-76 8-2201•Fax585-768-63 34 www.cedarstreetonline.com Owned&OperatedByYourFriends&NeighborsSince1993. 111CedarStreet•Batavia,NY14020•585-343-4899•www.cedarstreetonline.com WinterHours Now InEffect Mon.-Fri.8-5:00,Sat. 8-2 PIZZA •SUBS •WINGS •PASTA LEROY 110W.MAIN STREET 768 -4500 WED ELIVER HOURS:Mon.-Thurs.11a.m.-11p.m. Fri.&Sat.11a.m.-12Midnight - OPENINGSundays,Noon -11p.m. MondaySpecial LargeCheesePizza + 1Topping $10.99 + tax Not validwithotheroffers. Expires5-19-13 www.ficarellaspizzaleroy.com Part Deal $ 43 99 + tax Expires5-19-13 Notvalidwithotheroffers.Pleasemention couponwhenordering.Taxnot included. Fa ilyDeal 16"LargeCheesePizza w/1Topping,24BuffaloWings OR 32NEW BonelessWings & 2LiterPop $ 27 99 + tax Expires 5-19-13 Notvalidwith otheroffers.Pleasemention couponwhenordering.Taxnot included. Coupon goodatLeRoy storeonly. MealDeal 13"MediumCheesePizza w/1Topping,12BuffaloWings OR 16NEW BonelessWings &2LiterPop $ 19 99 + tax Expires 5-19-13 Notvalidwithotheroffers.Pleasemention couponwhen ordering.Taxnot included. Coupongood atLeRoy storeonly. 1SheetPizza,Cheese&1Topping, Bucket of50BuffaloWingsOR 64BonelessWings&2LitersofPop Haddock FishFry $ 9.25 VOLUME 79 NO.20 APRIL28, 2013 Friday,April26th PlantATree The helpfulplace. AMISH FURNITURE AtCROCKER'S! WEHAVE THE NEW TABLE FORYOUR BACKYARD PARTY! Graduation Parties, HolidayParties (4thofJuly),SummerParties, AnyParty.Wehave the tables&benches for you,an awesomeaddition to yourdeck,patio orbackyard! “Quarterfinalists, LeRoy and Bergen” 768-4500 LE ROY 110 W. MAIN ST. We Deliver! New! New! www.pastorespizza.com Haddock Fish Fry $ 9.99 Your choice of: hot dogs, hamburgers, cheeseburgers or chicken fingers. Choose 2 of the following: macaroni salad, baked beans, home fries, french fries. All the above is topped with a meat sauce, onions & 3 slices of bread. PLATE $ 9 50 "May the light of God's love illuminate your Christmas and live forever in your heart". "With prayers for a blessed Christmas" Your friends at Cedar Street Sales & Rental. Season's Greetings May this holiday season bring you all the treasures of the world and unity in the new year. Open New Year's Eve Until 3:00 p.m. Closed New Year's Day Thanks to all our customers for making 2015 a great year!! We look forward to serving you in 2016 and beyond. Hours: M-F 7:30-8:00, Sat., 8:30-6:00 Sun. 9:00-5:00 Le Roy, NY - 360 acehardware.com • crockers@rochester.rr.com