LeRoy Pennysaver & News

LE ROY PENNYSAVER & NEWS - JULY 15, 2018 Tribute to Exceptional Classmate and Athlete On June 21, 2018 during the LeRoy High School awards night, the first annual Rochelle "Willie" Wilson award was presented to this year’s recipi- ent, Haley Scripp. The award was initiated by Tom White and after a few emails many mem- bers of his Class of 1970 recip- rocated with donations and a vow to continue this tribute in honor of one of their most loved classmates, Rochelle “Willie” Wilson. The Class of 1970, was the largest class ever at LHS, however, Wilson stood out. She was regarded highly by both her classmates and the faculty and was a friend of everyone. White spoke during awards night about Wilson and how she was respected by everyone. He said, “She was a great athlete and a great person, but almost no one but the people from class knew that because the only place she could display her talent was on the playground. Willy unfor- tunately missed out on what is now called, Title Nine, which requires collages to give equal scholarships to men and wom- en. No doubt Willy would have received an athletic scholar- ship if her talent and character had been seen.” White talked of becoming an adult during such turbulent times. The Viet- nam War, race riots and women demanding equal rights were constantly in the forefront and shown graphically on TV dur- ing the evening news. Unfortu- nately, there were no organized women sports for Wilson. Fol- lowing high school Wilson joined the army and served her country. She moved to Alabama had a daughter, Naomi, and lived quietly. Wilson died of lung disease in January of 2014 as a result of serving overseas during the burning of oil fields in the Far East. Patty McQuillen Daansen. another member of the Class of 1970 summarized what the an- nual award is and announced the winner who was nominated by teachers and administrators. A committee from the Class of 1970 chose the recipient, Haley Scripp. The award was pre- sented to Scripp by White and Daansen. Scripp was described by her teachers as a terrific student, outstanding athlete, a kind per- sonality and a pleasure to be around. She will be attending RIT and majoring in Mechani- cal Engineering Technology in the fall. Scripp will was given a plaque acknowledging the award. Her name will be en- tered as the first recipient of the Rochelle “Willie” Wilson award plaque which will remain in the LHS hallway. Scripp will receive her $500. award upon successful completion of her first semester.